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Global Solutions specializes in offering various backend solutions and operation assistance to companies like Samsung, Reliance ResQ , Tatasky, Panasonic and Hicare. Swiss Re Global Business Solutions India Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 18 August 2000. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Bangalore. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 150,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 149,761,328. Hinduja Group is an Anglo-Indian transnational conglomerate based in Mumbai, India and headquartered in London, United Kingdom. The group is present in eleven sectors including Automotives, Oil and Specialty Chemicals, Banking & Finance, IT & ITeS, Cyber Security, Healthcare, Trading, Infrastructure Project Development, Media & Entertainment, Power, Real Estate.

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It is registered with Registrar of Companies, Chennai on Jul 26, 2018. Current Status of Sidan Global Solutions Private Limited is Active. It is a Non-govt company with an Authorized Capital of ₹ 5,00,000 (Five Lakh Indian Rupees) and Paid Up Capital of ₹ 1,00,000 (One Lakh Indian Rupees).

Its authorized share capital is Rs. 150,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 149,761,328. Hinduja Group is an Anglo-Indian transnational conglomerate based in Mumbai, India and headquartered in London, United Kingdom.
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We are a Digital Transformation Company providing Full-Stack End-to-End Innovative Digital Platform Solutions and Services to Fortune 500 Customers. SID Global Solutions is recognized as a Bangalore (Global Solution Centre) Voyager Building, 10F, ITPB 560 066 Bangalore. Tel : +91 80 2803 7000 . Fax : +91 80 3072 5100 .
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As an start-up we are established ourselves as IT Consulting & Services Company that offer 360 Degree IT Resource augmentation. Why IT Consulting / Staffing Augmentation ? Staff Augmentation: With the staff augmentation model, you have the opportunity to personally choose the candidates and manage them with the methods you prefer.Basically, the we takes over all organizational and administrative hassles, while you get the opportunity to deal with your core responsibilities and collaborate with your augmented team the Sidan Global Solutions Private Limited has two directors - Sachidanandam Baranidharan and Somasundaram Subramanian. The registered office of Sidan Global Solutions Private Limited is at 25/15, ALAMELUMANGAPURAM, MYLAPORE, CHENNAI, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

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