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This rock has a nice dark reddish-colored matrix and clasts of variable size and composition (mostly igneous & metamorphic, plus relatively common epidotized clasts). Answer to Match the name of the metamorphic rock with its parent rock. Quartzite [Choose ] < Metaconglomerate [Choose < Slate [Cho Gneiss is a foliated metamorphic rock, meaning it is a metamorphic rock that contains layers or bands. When gneiss is found, it typically occurs around areas where mountain building has taken Metaconglomerate - Parent Rock = conglomerate, pebbles have been flattened Quartzite - fine to medium interlocking quartz grains, Parent Rock = sandstone. Marble - fine to medium interlocking calcite crystals, Parent Rock = limestone.
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Foliated. Grain Size: Very Fine. Properties:Satiny Sheen; small micenous mineral are common; medium intensity zone. Schist. Foliated. Grain Size:Coarse. Kinds of Metamorphic Rocks.
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Properties: Slatey Cleavage; Lighter color then shale; will ring when tapped with nail ; low intensity zone. Phyllite. Foliated.
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Metaconglomerate. Non- . Color, Light, Intermediate (Includes Red or Brown), Dark (Includes Green). Chief Minerals, Quartz Feldspar Calcite Dolomite Talc Muscovite Sericite, About Aug 16, 2019 METACONGLOMERATE PARENT ROCK Conglomerate. TYPE Foliated Rock. Grade Low grade and regional metamorphism.
The conglomerate has a sandstone matrix. If the conglomerate became metamorphosed, it would have the same matrix as the metaconglomerate. What is the parent rock of a Metaconglomerate? Foliated metaconglomerate is created under the same metamorphic conditions that produce slate or phyllite, but with the parent rock (protolith) being conglomerate, rather than clay.
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Click here for a close up image - #2 When rocks are subjected to elevated temperatures and pressures, for example due to deep burial in orogenic (mountain building) zones when two continents collide, they may become metamorphosed (metamorphism is from the Greek, to change in form). 2019-12-02 · Marble is a metamorphic rock formed when limestone is subjected to high pressure or heat. In its pure form, marble is a white stone with a crystalline and sugary appearance, consisting of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3). Blog.
Instead it is a rock type that forms when an existing rock is metamorphosed. The original rock that was metamorphosed is usually referred to as the "parent rock" or "protolith".
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Metamorphic rocks in nature Shale to slate metamorphism Deformation of sedimentary rocks Metamorphic rocks record how temperature and pressure affected an area when it was forming. The rocks provide clues to their transformation into a metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks are best identified when looking at the rock as you see them in nature.
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Foliated metaconglomerate is created under the same metamorphic conditions that produce slate or phyllite, but with the parent rock ( protolith) being Non Foliated Metamorphic Rocks METACONGLOMERATE QUARTZITE Metamorphic Rocks of other Parent Rocks n Limestone à Marble n Bioclastic Slate, schist, and gneiss are three common foliated metamorphic rocks. Slate is a hard, fine-grained rock with a well-developed rock cleavage or slaty cleavage Intrusive igneous rocks form where magma cools in a chamber below the and compositon of the parent rock, include metagabbro and metaconglomerate.
= Sedimentary Conglomerate (Parent Rock).