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The target is to generate an average yearly return of 15-20 percent subject to a risk level defined as a yearly standard deviation of 18 percent. LYNX was founded in 2006 and opened its first office in the center of Amsterdam. Now, after more than ten years, LYNX offers its broker services throughout Europe. We are constantly trying to develop and improve our service and always keep one thing in mind: the success of our clients. LYNX Performance Products.
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Lynx have deployed an FX Liquidity Management platform that include Aphelion’s aggregation services and algorithmic trading engine. This is made available through both API and GUI trading. Lynx Asset Management AB, a hedge fund manager with assets of around $6 billion, uses a fully systematic model-based investment approach with the objective to achieve a high risk-adjusted return. LYNX Professional Services, the best broker for asset managers and financial advisors; easy order management, low fees and excellent customer service.

The Lynx Prime co-named funds (as defined in BN 778 of 2011) are registered under the Prime Collective Investment Scheme, managed by Prime Collective Investment Schemes Management Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd (“Prime CIS”) (Registration No. 2005/017098/07), a registered Collective Investment Schemes Management Company in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act 45 of 2002 Lynx Asset Management grundades 1999 och är idag en av världens främsta aktörer inom modellbaserad kapitalförvaltning. Vår investeringsprocess är helt systematisk där kvantitativa modeller identifierar trender och andra mönster på finansiella marknader. Lynx have deployed an FX Liquidity Management platform that include Aphelion’s aggregation services and algorithmic trading engine. This is made available through both API and GUI trading.