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September 18, 2019. Exxact Announces Gold Partnership with ThinkParQ GmbH, to deliver BeeGFS Parallel Storage Solutions for HPC, AI,   7 Sie 2018 You can obtain these tools from Synactive GmbH. You can use the GuiXT Designer to edit a screen in WYSIWYG mode. At the same time,  6. Juni 2019 Pascal Rodé, Entwickler, Synactive GmbH.

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Synective Labs växer och söker fler utvecklare till Göteborg, Linköping och Stockholm! Utvecklare embedded inom Automotive och Industry systems eller FPGA-design. Som ett av Sveriges vassaste specialistteam inom Embedded- och FPGA-teknik förstärker vi nu kompetensen ytterligare. Penta is an EUREKA Cluster operated by. 44 rue Cambronne 75015 Paris France. T. +33 1 40 64 45 80.

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Synectiv is derived from the words ‘Synergy’ and ‘Connectivity’ as it was envisaged back then that there would be a convergence between the mobile and internet space. Synective will present our Master Thesis proposals within Embedded Deep Learning at this years Digital Degree Fair @KTH. The Degree Fair takes place on 14 october.

Synective Labs AB | 275 followers on LinkedIn. The experts on FPGA and ASIC technology | Synective Labs is the leading provider of FPGA-related services in the Nordic region.