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Ratihabition synonyms, Ratihabition pronunciation, Ratihabition translation, English dictionary definition of Ratihabition. n. 1. Confirmation or approbation, as of an act or contract. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co Ratihabition. Om den fullmäktige har handlat utanför sin befogenhet eller sin behörighet är huvudmannen vanligtvis inte bunden av rättshandlingen.

Ratihabition def

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Action de ratifier quelque chose.; Acte juridique par lequel une personne prend à son compte l'opération juridique effectuée en son nom par un tiers qui n'en avait pas reçu pouvoir. får stöd av föreningen Lysator. 2020-09-17. är nu möjlig tack vare datorföreningen Lysator vid Linköpings universitet. De stöttar med servrar och nätverk för att vi ska kunna fortsätta driva tjänsten.

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add_circleremove_circle; Rattfylleri. Den som kör ett motorfordon och har mer än 0,2 promille  Per licet appears to mean 'by permission/by authority'. Both used when clerk ratihabition. Express Exact meaning of this word is obscure.

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CONFIRMATIONcontracts, conveyancing. 1. A contract by which that which was voidable, is made firm and… RATIHABITIOLat. Confirmation, agreement, consent, approbation of a contract Saltmarsh v.
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Meaning of ratihabition.

The confirmation or adoption of an act that has already been performed.
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Express Exact meaning of this word is obscure.

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A principal can, for example, ratify something that has been done on his or her behalf by another individual who assumed the authority to act in the capacity of an agent. Need the translation of "Ratihabition" in English but even don't know the meaning? Use to cover it all.

Geschäftsführung) namens desselben gehandelt hat oder die Genehmigung des Verfügungsberechtigten, wenn ein Nichtberechtigter ohne dessen Ermächtigung verfügt hat. Ratihabitio (lat.