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Research output: Book/Report › Book. Overview; Cite BibTeX Details. Authors: Michael Bogdan; Organisations: Department of Law; Research areas and keywords: Subject classification (UKÄ) – MANDATORY. Law; Keywords. komparativ rätt Concise introduction to comparative law. ISBN: 9789089521255.

Concise introduction to comparative law

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Gratis verzending, Slim studeren. Arab Law Quarterly Arab Law Quarterly 26 (2012) 121-153 The Classical Islamic Law of Waqf: A Concise Introduction Muhammad Zubair Abbasi* Doctoral candidate, Faculty of Law, St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, OX4 1DY, UK Abstract The purpose of this article is to provide a concise and brief introduction to the classical Islamic law of waqf. Compre online Concise Introduction to Comparative Law, de Bogdan, Michael na Amazon. Frete GRÁTIS em milhares de produtos com o Amazon Prime.

Concise Introduction to Comparative Law: Bogdan, Michael

Its concise format An Introduction to Comparative Law first appeared in two volumes in 1987. Volume I discussed the nature of comparative law and then concentrated on a survey of the main features of the major groupings of the world's legal systems.

Jämför priser: Concise Introduction to Comparative Law

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Instructors will find many of the familiar cases used in most Property textbooks, as well as many new ones. Buy Concise Introduction to Comparative Law by Bogdan, Michael online on at best prices.
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pages 231 pages publisher  Inbunden, 238 sid, 2015, Pris: 849 SEK exkl.

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- Armonk, N.Y.  International Journal of Information, Communication Technology and Applications. 2021.

Concise Introduction to Comparative Law: Bogdan, Michael

Bok Introduction The Name of the Subject An Attempt to Define the Subject Comparative Law and Studies of Foreign Law Comparative Law - Method or Science? The Uses of Comparative Law General Education Obtaining a Better Understanding of One's Own Legal System Working de lege ferenda Harmonization and Unification of Laws Working de lege lata @book{255072e4-f458-4949-8eca-5db5952c6673, author = {Bogdan, Michael}, language = {eng}, publisher = {Europa Law Publishing}, title = {Concise introduction to comparative law}, year = {2013}, } User guide Home Research Outputs Concise introduction to comparative law. Concise introduction to comparative law. Research output: Book/Report › Book. Overview; concise introduction to comparative law Feb 09, 2021. Posted By Georges Simenon Media Publishing TEXT ID d39cb61c.

Volume I discussed the nature of comparative law and then concentrated on a survey of the main features of the major groupings of the world's legal systems. Volume II focused on contract, tort, and unjust enrichment as major departments of private law. The students will need to read the book written by Michael Bogdan, Concise introduction to Comparative Law, 2013; ISBN 9789089521255 (and the additional reading material published for each lesson, cf. 1). A Concise Introduction to International Law Author(s): Attila M. Tanzi ISBN Book: 978-94-6236-931-3 , #1 edition Concise Introduction to Property Law is first and foremost a casebook, designed to expose first year law students to the rich heritage of American Property Law through the study of court decisions. Instructors will find many of the familiar cases used in most Property textbooks, as well as many new ones. Concise Introduction to Comparative Law. Michael Bogdan.