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How to use importune in a sentence is shown in this page. Check the meaning of importune. 2 dagar sedan · Export definition: To export products or raw materials means to sell them to another country. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples And as it has been humbly represented to us that advantages may be derived from the flax-plant which is found in the islands not far distant from the intended settlement, not only as a means of acquiring clothing for the convicts and other persons who may become settlers, but from its superior excellence for a variety of maritime purposes, and as it may ultimately become an article of export Se hela listan på stackabuse.com How To Use Import In A Sentence? · Already their import had become familiar enough to lose that first terribleness. · We stared at each other blankly as the terrible  6 days ago import.

Import used in a sentence

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Farmers are very upset about the importationof Examples of Importune in a sentence. Even after I had politely declined and shut the door, I could hear the salesman continuing to importune me to let him demonstrate the expensive vacuum cleaner. 🔊 Realizing that the boss was in one of his rare good moods, I seized the opportunity to importune him for a raise. 🔊 Sentence Examples for import. Technical equipments imported from abroad. How to use import in a sentence is shown in this page. Check the meaning of import.

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🔊 Sentence Examples for import. Technical equipments imported from abroad. How to use import in a sentence is shown in this page.

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🔊 import in a sentence The faster the imports come in, the better for me, The company plans to import 4, 500 ragtops this year. Exports were a little weaker than expected and imports were stronger. From January to June, imports from Mexico leapt 21 percent. Imports over six years could then be reduced Sentence Examples With very low inventories of gasoline and distillates in the US, any reduction in importswill have an exponential impact on prices. Banks encourage what is for them a profitable orgy of borrowing, and luxury importssurge. He rejected their request for limits of Chinese importsof welded steel pipes.

I have a teacher who is importing a quiz from her last year's course. She has mostly fill in the blank questions with full sentence answers. When she imports it to  23 Oct 2018 from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer from nltk.stem import LancasterStemmer To separate the sentence into words, you can use tokenizer. Imported goods or services are attractive when domestic industries cannot produce similar goods and services cheaply or efficiently.

Crude soyoil used to enjoy an import duty advantage over refined soyoil until the federal government decided earlier this month to abolish the special additional duty on all commodities 21. import duty rates on raw materials were generally lower than those on semi - manufactured or manufactured products Find examples of how to use any word or phrase in a sentence with our powerful sentence generator.

Do check part-1 of the blog, which includes various preprocessing and feature extraction techniques using spaCy. Topic modeling is technique to extract the hidden topics from large volumes of text… Sentence Examples for importune.
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The only company to Import used in sentence example & words in English. January 20, 2020 by admin Leave a Comment. Definition of I. to bring in from a foreign co. Examples of Import in a sen.

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He rejected their request for … Other import duties fell on sugar, tobacco, timber, silk, iron bars and, in some years, grain. 11.

All you have to do is import the TextBlob object from the textblob library, pass it the document that you want to tokenize, and then use the sentences and words attributes to get the Sentence Detection is the process of locating the start and end of sentences in a given text. This allows you to you divide a text into linguistically meaningful units. You’ll use these units when you’re processing your text to perform tasks such as part of speech tagging and entity extraction. Sentence with the word import. Inside that first CSS file there is another import that is "@ import urlbase-weblog.css;".. As for adding your own CSS, I normally add it to the bottom of colours.