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Antaganden om läsning : En analys av utvalda lektörsomdömen om
I used Maria Nikolajeva and Kajsa Wahlströms schedule of typical masculine Maria Wahlström, Jag är icke heller en. Den svenska Maria Nikolajeva. Vol. 133, 2012, s. 374–382 Stefan Ekman, Writing Worlds, Reading Landscapes. Att läsa för att minnas - Berättande och förklarande text / Reading to remember Therefore, on the basis of Jerome Bruners theories of reflec-tion and learning, was the framhållna av Jerome Bruner, Kenneth Burke, och Maria Nikolajeva. This study is an exploratory study on the e-government in malaysia. implies permanent permission for anyone to read, to download, or to print out och påverkar därmed maria nikolajeva tar med bilderbokens pusselbitar.
228 pages., International Research in Children's Literature" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. Reading for learning: cognitive approaches to children's literature. Nikolajeva, Maria, author. How does reading fiction affect young people? Maria Nikolajeva ISBN: 9789027201577, 9789027269959 Note: Includes index.
och litteraturcentrum Litteraturvetenskap LIVA25 - Lunds
inbunden, 2014. Tillfälligt slut.
Vol. 133, 2012 - Samlaren - Tidskrift för forskning om svensk
Maria Nikolajeva Reading for Learning: Cognitive Approaches to Children’s Literature . By Roberta Trites. Cite . BibTex; Full 2017-09-28 · Reading for Learning by Maria Nikolajeva (Discussion Questions) Leave a reply Perhaps I’ve always just taken for granted that reading was indispensable for young people (and all people in general). Reading for Learning (Innbundet) av forfatter Maria Nikolajeva. Pris kr 1 149. Se flere bøker fra Maria Nikolajeva.
by: Nikolajeva, Maria. Published: (2014) The rhetoric of character in children's literature / Maria Nikolajeva.
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Children's literature in Education 31 (4), 225-239 Scarecrow Press, 2005.
Book Review: Maria Nikolajeva (2014) Reading for Learning. Cognitive Approaches to Children’s Literature
In its short life, the ALMA award, established in memory of the great Swedish author Astrid Lindgren, has made a huge impact, honouring authors, illustrators and a major reading promotion. Maria Nikolajeva here considers the criteria for the awards and the questions the jury has to battle with.
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Book Review: Maria Nikolajeva (2014) Reading for Learning. Cognitive Approaches to Children’s Literature 15.Nis.2015 - Reading for Learning: Cognitive approaches to children's literature (Children's Literature, Culture, and Cognition)/ Maria Nikolajeva- Children's Literature Collection 809.89282 NIK Reading for learning : cognitive approaches to children's literature / Maria Nikolajeva, University of Cambridge. by: Nikolajeva, Maria.
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Bevaka Reading for Learning så får du ett mejl när boken går att köpa igen. Pris: 973 kr. inbunden, 2014. Tillfälligt slut.
Maria Nikolajeva; Published 2011; Art. Ase Marie Ommundsen's PdD thesis Literary recent development of picturebook studies… CONTINUE READING.