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Apply Now Save. Save job. Save this job with your existing LinkedIn profile, or create a new one. Sportsbook - Head of Delivery & Product Partner Management Malta: Betsson Experience Centre Sportsbook - Product Development Manager Malta: Betsson Experience Centre Sportsbook - Product Development Manager Budapest A BETSSON budapesti irodájának tavaly szeptemberi megnyitója óta eltelt bő egy év. A korábbi iroda megnyerte a 2017-es Év Irodája Díjat kisvállalati kategóriában. Hihetetlen öröm, nagy megtiszteltetés, óriási büszkeség minden résztvevő részére.
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Budapest, Tinódi u. 1, 1095 Hungary. Office photo. Betsson acquired the competitor Nordic Gaming Group, due to its successful sportsbook.
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Betsson is constantly pushing the technology platform to the next level, and Budapest will play an important part in this mission.
The yellow, lime covered brick walls of the new Betsson office in Budapest give it an almost factory like look. In fact, the Gizella Malom building that hosts the offices was once a busy mill. Built in 1880 it miraculously survived the bombings of World War II. The outside doesn’t reflect the inside, though. The purpose of the new Betsson Office in Budapest is in no way manufacturing.
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I en intervju med Betsson +51 1 411 6100. Aztrazeneca Peru S.A., Webb, tel. +51 1 610 1515.
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Save this job with your existing LinkedIn profile, or create a new one. Betsson Group opens office in Budapest. The yellow, lime covered brick walls of the new Betsson office in Budapest give it an almost factory like look.